In order to choose PAMM Accounts for investment, you need to go to the PAMM Rating and familiarize yourself with all the indicators of PAMM Accounts.
By clicking on the selected account in the PAMM Rating, the Investor gets to the page with all indicators of this account. Please note that for your convenience, when you put the cursor over the various indicators, a detailed explanation of the definition of their values appears:
Under the avatar and account nickname you can find general information about the trading history of the account, namely: the total return of the account for the entire time of its existence, the return for the current day, the age of the account, the balance of the account on the trading platform, the leverage of the account on the trading platform, the currency of the account balance, the total profit of the account, the account nickname.
Below the general information about the trading history of the account, we see four (4) additional tabs containing more detailed information about such indicators as:
- Return (information about changes in the account's profitability over time);
- Trading (contains comparative charts of profitability and leverage);
- Instruments (account trading history by symbols);
- Equity (information about changes in available account funds over time).
The user has an opportunity to familiarize himself with detailed information on each of these indicators by clicking on them.
- On the right side of the page there is also general information about the account, including current account funds on the trading platform, margin used by the account, maximum profit and drawdown, including timestamps when the account reached these figures, average daily profit and loss, drawdown data, volatility coefficient, Sharpe ratio and recovery factor, which shows how quickly the account recovers losses.
Let's take a closer look at tabs 2-5.
Here you can familiarize yourself with the information about the change of account profitability over time in percentage ratio, starting from the all time and ending with one day.
In turn, for visual display on the chart below on the page, you can select such time periods as all time, 3 months, 1 month and a week, or you can set the time period yourself by moving the borders of the selected area, as shown in the image below:
The last available chart in this tab is a chart of returns by month with positive and negative returns (marked in green and red on the chart, respectively).
Here are displayed such indicators as: return volatility, recovery factor, absolute gain, downside deviation, Sharpe ratio, volatility ratio.
Below in the “Trade” tab 2 comparative charts of return and leverage are displayed, for user´s convenience they are already formed for all time, 3 months, 1 month or a week, or again you can use the “arrows” of narrowing/widening/ and select a specific time period:
On the leverage chart, moving the cursor along the time axis, the calculated values appear, showing how many times the value of the position currently open on the account exceeds the amount of funds on the account. These values are calculated according to the following formula: position value given in the account currency / funds.
Position value = contract size * lot.
Account´s exposure history per symbols and trading statistics - analysis of trading operations - are available in the Instruments tab.
There is available data on: maximum profit, maximum drawdown, maximum daily profit and loss, average profit and loss. There is also information about changes in available account funds over time in the form of graphs. These charts display funds and returns in the time format we are already familiar with: either for all time, 3 months, 1 month or a week, or for an individually selected time range.
If after studying all information about the selected account the user has decided to invest in it, he/she should click on the “Invest” button (“1” on the image). It is also possible to add this account to the watch list to make a decision later on (“2” on the image).